feel free to look around, make yourself at home and make sure to sign the guestbook on the left!

the open dyslexic font was a joke at first becasue I use it at work, but it grew on me a lot xP

my button is down here if you want it! VVV

(pls hotlink, ill make it look nicer soon!)

click to copy!


What is this site?

Ill probably put a bunch of my projects, artwork and whatever else sounds like fun to show off

I'm making this site alongsite my best friend who has been CHEATING on our "only work on it in a call" rule lmao so im cheating too



Heres some other neat sites Ive found


pancake kirby

pancake kirby

Whats on my mind

heres my thoughts if you wanna read em' (Wont even charge you a penny!)

what to do... what to do...

Should I go back to manual site editing?

Building a Website (the hard way)

Why am I building my own SSG?

Self Expression

A Very Tired Rant

We're so back

Page Stats
