Trying to decide what to work on, Ive got a gazillion projects all in the works at once and I want to work on all of them... So obviously I work on none of them :p

I added pictures of my GBA Lite project that could really use its own post all together because Im making a dully custom PCB for it now, but I thought id show the origins of the project.

Ive also been doing a ton of work on my custom 3d printer, based off the mercury one.1 by the zeroG team, though ive modified pretty much every part of it. theres a ton of tuning to be done still, and im still waiting on money to add the enclosure, but ill also showcase this a lot more once I have the projects page up and running!

Just to rapid fire the rest of them: 3D character modeling, My FPS card game shooter, my car, acutally practice bass for once, art, my home server, me and josh's custom keyboard, and just added to the list is fabric minecraft modding.... I gotta stop T.T