Ive noticed in making this site that self expression is hard , its one of those things that ive been fairly content with keeping to myself, but when presented with a whole website that should be a representation of you specifically, it makes you do a bunch of thinking. typically my online activities are around electrical engineering and 3d printing, with this ive decided I want it to be a little more personal, with commentary and what makes me happy other than my usual web tendencies. I know for a fact that ive still got to get used to it, but ive come a ways in expression already on this site. im working on more art assets to really make it my own, maybe a rain background sound for sun, and id love to have comments on stuff i can see what others have to say.

Anyways, this is sort of a more personal entry, just though it was something important for other people to see if they were struggling with it the same way I am.

Ill probably have some more lighthearted stuff in the future, this was just on my mind during development today.