Ive listend to this beautiful moon cover by DAZBEE at least 1000 times in the last month, its just such a nice sound, and just acoustic guitar and vocals is my favorite sound (with a little piano)

its the song that finally got me to pick up my guitar again after some time after realizing Ive memorized all the lyrics and harmonies lmao. The original one is great too, I just wish the audio didnt peak on the youtube video.

Dont even get me started on her voice, its so perfect for this kind of song, I just let youtube play most of her music while im working or at home

ps: If youve got any good acoustic japanese songs like this send them to me pls and thanks c:

Ill probably have a bunch more posts about music when I get my music gallery going, but I got very sidetracked with redesigning this page which will be done hopefully soon™